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Different Issues Concerning Faith

THERE ARE PEOPLE who claim that religion is no longer necessary on claims that all religions worship one and the same God and that all souls are all bound to heaven! We, in this Congregation, disagree to the common belief that all worshippers worship the same God. That is wrong! The truth is, today, different preachers are introducing different Gods.

We know very well that there are religious leaders who forbid their members from eating pork. They claim that eating pork is against the will of God. In other words, for this particular god, man is forbidden from eating pork.

However, if you are going to ask other preachers (if man is really prohibited from eating pork), they will give you a negative answer. In fact, pork lechon has even become a favorite dish during fiestas. Therefore, to the god of this particular group, there is nothing wrong in eating pork! And this particular aspect alone, it is already evident that preachers preach different gods.

Another example is about the day of worship. There are religions that say that, Sunday is the right day of worship. Yet, there is another group that believes that it is Saturday. And still, another group claims that Sunday and Thursday are the correct days of worship, while some others would say that, everyday is a day of worship.

The fact that they go to different places at different days is another proof that they worship different gods, because they received different teachings.

There are preachers who teach their members that Jesus Christ is a mere human being, but there are also preachers who acknowledge Christ as God. Yet, there is another group that believes that Jesus Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are one. And because of these differences, it is a must that we examine our own faith. We will never go wrong if we will do it.

We are not attacking any group, or any person. What we are after is to preach the Bible. And if only all of those who have read this Book have come to understand the truths that it upholds, then, we will not end up with different interpretations of the Bible. Just like the way we have understood the book of Arithmetic. A Filipino who have studied and understood Arithmetic will give 2 as an answer to 1+1. A Spanish who have understood the operation will also give 2 (dos) as an answer to 1+1 (uno mas uno). Ask an American 1+1, and he will also answer 2. They may speak different languages, but they’ll give us one answer. In other words, if only all of those who have studied the Biblical truths came to develop understanding of these truths, then, they’ll also give us one, and the same, answer to the same question.

However, if you are going to ask about Christ’s state of being, one would say that, Christ is God, while another would say that he is a mere human being. On the other hand, for the others, Jesus Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, are one. At this particular point, it is already very clear that NOT ALL of those who studied the Bible really learned and understood what this book is all about. As prophesied in II Timothy 3:7—

“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

The prophecy is clear. It said, “ever learning.” That is why, today, we know of many Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings. At times, these sessions even last overnight. But despite that, they never came to the knowledge of the truth, as the Bible said. Now, who could they be? You be the judge.

Is it true that eating pork is forbidden? Is Christ a God? Which is the rightful day of worship? Is it Sunday? Saturday? Thursday? Or every day? Is the church vital to one’s salvation? Others say, it is. But for the others, it is not. Which could be correct? Some say that, the church is no longer necessary because, they say that, when Christ comes, He will not ask us anymore of our church affiliation. These contrasting views set snares, or traps. Be careful so that you’ll not be deceived.

But, is the church really necessary? Are they not just saying that it is necessary in order to ensnare people, or perhaps, to deceive them? Of course, we do not deny the fact that, there are many who just set traps, just like what Jeremiah 5:26-27 says—

“For among many people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit. Therefore they are become great, and waxen rich.”

Be careful that you won’t be entrapped. For all you know, you are already one of those who have been trapped. Try to study yourself. What we are offering you, thru the help and guidance of God, is to lead you in your examination of your respective faiths, as well as the religious organizations that you are a part of, and the doctrines that you believe in.

Keep on doing it, until you come to a clearer understanding of God’s doctrines which are vital to your salvation.

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